Cornerstone Arena Team Ministry 
The Arena Team Ministry is very important in the life of the Cowboy Church. The Arena is the Family Life Center for the Cowboy Church. This team is comprised of people that enjoy and take part in the cowboy lifestyle .Here at CSMCC that involves the ones that Love Jesus and the church, own horses, own cows or have a love for the Cowboy way. This team is responsible for overseeing the care, maintenance, and use of the arena. It works to develop and plan events that will utilize the arena to reach the least, the last and the lost for Christ and to enhance the family life of the church. The gospel is presented in some form or fashion at all arena events. 
CSMCC sponsors playdays, barrel races, dummy ropings and team ropings. We also join in with the Sondance Drill Team Ministry and put on Easter and Christmas Plays in the arena as a major outreach to our community. 
As of now the Arena Events and Plays take place at 4K Arena where the Cornerstone Ministry Cowboy Church was birthed.
Our Vision is to complete the Cornerstone Arena on the church property in the near future. Our hope and dream is that by completing the arena it will spark a new interest and new generation of Cowboys who love Christ, the church and the Cowboy way.
For More Information
Taylor Heard 318-461-7740
Arena Team Ministry Director
Tonya Kyle 


Sondance Practice

4k Arena “Friday Night LIghts”

Playday Summer Series 2023

4K Arena and Pavilion

“Pink Steer” Smarty Dummy Roping Ministry

Dirt Work for newest addition to Cornerstone Dummy Roping Concrete/ Future Concession Area

Paint Party Fundraiser 2023

Finger Foods for the Paint Party 2023

35 Painters